
episcanpy.api.ct.read_cyt_summary(sample_name, meth_type, head, path, chromosome)

Read file from which you want to extract the methylation level and (assuming it is like the Ecker/Methylpy format) extract the number of methylated read and the total number of read for the cytosines covered and in the right genomic context (CG or CH) :param sample_name: name of the file to read to extract key information. :param meth_type: CG, CH or not specified :param head: file you are reading. The default value is the Methylpy/Ecker header :type head: if there is header that you don’t want to read. An annotation in the :param path: :type path: path of the to access the file of the sample you want to read. :param chromosome: is the human genome (including mitochondrial and sexual chromosomes) :type chromosome: chromosomes if the species you are considering. default value